CO<sub>2</sub> Метр Воздух Co<sub>2</sub>ntrol жизни

CO<sub>2</sub> Метр Воздух Co<sub>2</sub>ntrol жизни

Наличие:срок поставки 45 дней
  • 7 295.85 грн

CO2 Meter Air Co2ntrol Life
Ideal for monitoring air quality in rooms. LED lights in traffic light colours below the display provide information about the current CO2 content in the air (green: <800 ppm, yellow: 800 to 1200 ppm, red: >1200 ppm).

-Display of temperature and humidity

-Adjustable alarm

Scope of supply: CO2 meter, power adapter, operating instructions
Co2 range: 0 ... 3000 ppm
Resolution: 1 ppm (0 ... 1000 ppm); 5 ppm (1001 ... 2000 ppm); 10 ppm (2001 ... 3000 ppm)
Temperature range: 0 ... 50 °C
Resolution: 0,1 °C
Relative humidity: 20 ... 90 % R.H.
Resolution: 1 % R.H.
Dimensions (W x D x H): 138 x 51 x 100 mm
Weight: 188 g

Type Air CO2ntrol Life
ТипAir CO2ntrol Life

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